We’d like to thank everybody who attended our recent Product Information Sessions for your time and attention, it was great to see such a large turnout and we really appreciate your involvement. We’d also like to thank you for the long list of questions you asked us via the Q&A tab throughout the presentations, where possible we have sought to provide you with the information you need.
Please see below for the full list of questions and answers – if you have any additional questions that you’d like some more information on, please let your Sales Representative know and we will endeavour to get you an answer.

- Advance: early September 2020
- Serene Series 2: late October 2020
- NEO: late November 2020
The planned phase out timing for products impacted by the release of new product are as follows:
- Advance
- ESP Ultima – to be phased out at point of release
- ESP Plus – to remain online for the immediate future, we will advise of any changes well in advance of final phase out
- Serene Series 2
- Serene Series 1 – to be phased out at point of release
As with all of our product releases, we will work with our Dealer partners to ensure sufficient stock levels of existing product are held to service any outstanding orders or requirements. We encourage you to work with your Sales Representative to ensure any stock you require is held.
Prices will be included in updated Price Lists, which will be available to you via your Sales Representative in early September.
Product brochures will be released to you prior to the public release of the products (timing outlined above). These physical copies will be available via your Sales Representative.
Yes, recordings of the session will be available for review in-person with your Sales Representative. You simply need to book a time in to review with them when required.
Our recommendation is to use ActronAir zone barrels, as we cannot guarantee the superior performance of systems when using third party zone barrels as all testing and performance claims are achieved using ActronAir zone barrels. Furthermore, the Warranty coverage will be voided for any issues determined to be at fault due to third party zone barrels.
All Australian made condensers require a condenser drain tray due to multiple condensate points. When using a condenser drain tray, this allows for a single drain point.
We constantly review the ways in which we can continuously improve our products to deliver market leading performance, and the choice of refrigerant is one of the many components of a system that we review regularly.

On our Australian made systems, individual room control will only be available on the ESP Platinum QUE range. Systems using the NEO controller will be able to use the existing LM-RS (wall sensor) or AERSS (duct sensor) for zoning and improved comfort control.
Each individual indoor unit will require its own NEO controller to be connected to it. However, when all NEO controllers are registered under the one account, our NEO Connect App offers control of multiple units.
No, NEO does not need to be connected to the customer’s Wi-Fi in order to work.
It is not possible to remotely connect NEO to the Wi-Fi. However, we don’t anticipate customer’s having any problems connecting to their Wi-Fi, due to it being a very easy and user friendly process.
NEO Connect offers the same front end functionality as the NEO controller, and can be used anywhere in the world from any Apple or Android mobile or tablet device with a working Wi-Fi or cellular connection. There are some features that are not included within the app, including service dashboards, 7-day schedule and service and technical menus.
NEO allows you to enter your company’s information to be displayed in the System Information of the Master Controller, this is entered at the time of commissioning via a unique 4 digit Installer Code supplied by ActronAir. If you don’t have your Installer Code, or your information is incorrect, simply contact your ActronAir Sales Representative and they will assist you from there.
Yes. This feature can be enabled/disabled via System Settings > Display Settings. In this section you will have control over various other settings that can be customised to suit the customers preferences.
Yes. A standby screen will appear when the screen is idle for a duration of time. This idle time can be customised to suit the customers preferences or the standby screen can be disabled altogether.
The NEO is supplied with a metal mounting bracket. After the bracket is mounted, simply tilt the top of the controller onto the mounting hooks and lower the bottom to be secured in place by magnets.
With NEO Connect you can control up to 20 compatible ActronAir systems via the one app.

Advance delivers the same energy efficient performance of the industry leading ESP Platinum series. Thanks to the combination of its Tru-Inverter compressor and Variable Fan Technology, the Advance is able to zone all the way down to a single zone and can save users up to 75% a year on their power bills.
As systems developed on our control platform of the future both Advance and Classic Series 2 come with an InZone Indoor Board, which includes 8 x 24V Zone outputs as standard.
The Advance does not provide individual temperature control, though it does allow you to zone your system all the way down to a single room thanks to Variable Fan Technology. Please note, when zoning down to one room there must be a minimum of 2 x outlets in the room.
If you’re looking for “Ultima” style individual temperature control, the award-winning ESP Platinum QUE system continues to provide this market leading feature.
Advance comes with a host of sound reducing technology, the majority of which has no negative impact on capacity or efficiency. The one exception is Quiet Mode – when a user chooses to put the system into Quiet Mode, the system reduces its capacity output.

Yes it does, and the installation process is also the same.
No, as with Series 1 the Easy Connect mobile app is an optional upgrade.
In order to incorporate all of the new features Serene Series 2 comes with an all-new remote controller that also features a large screen and buttons, and uses plain English to ensure it is easy to read and operate.
The WC-02 Wall Controller remains the same, though it requires the purchase of an additional multi-function PCB to connect it.
No it won’t, but only because the installation process has been so dramatically improved that it is no longer necessary. The Serene Series 2 has been designed with ease of installation in mind, with an updated hanging bracket that incorporates measurement points required for height and pipe runs, and even includes a spirit level to ensure the unit is straight on the wall.
Watch the video below to find out more:

There are 5 sizes in the range:
2.65kW / 3.5kW / 5kW / 7.2kW / 8.5kW
No, the new range now uses a 20Amp circuit due to the increased operating range capacity up to 60ºC. At those increased temperatures the circuit could overload at 10A.
All pipe sizes are the same apart from the 3.5kW. The 3.5kw now shares the same pipe size as the 2.65kw, reducing its pipe sizing to 1/4” and 3/8” size pipe.
- Height: 675mm
- Width: 890mm
- Depth: 346mm
- Weight: 43.5kg
It effectively acts as a reverse defrost, where the indoor coil is frozen which in turn causes the fins to expand. This means that anything small enough to be trapped can now be freed up. The coil is then rapidly thawed, which allows for any remaining impurities to be washed away through the thawing and subsequent water draining. Finally, the fan runs to dry the coil to ensure moisture is cleared and therefore discouraging mould growth.
If required, the PCB box can be fully removed to provide access for a total coil clean. That being said - you don’t necessarily need to fully remove the PCB – you can also get in above the PCB and easily access behind the coil.
If the filter is kept clean regularly then the coil should remain free of dust and debris, you can also operate Self Clean.
50m max. pipe run (7.2kw and 8.5kw)
Pre charged length 15m – same for all capacities.
It improves the airflow in terms of coverage and sound. By moving the PCB to the front it allows everything to increase in size and be closer in terms of ratio. Other systems, including Series 1 would create a funneling effect on airflow.
It also allows for a larger return air size to accommodate more of the indoor coil, a larger fan wheel and larger outlet size.